Foods that Build Muscle

Build Muscle

If you’ve been wondering what to eat to gain muscle, you’re asking one of the most important training questions in existence. Gaining massive strength and losing body fat can only be accomplished through proper nutrition. Whether you’re male or female, the principle remains the same: you need to cut out excess sugar, refined and processed foods, and incorporate as much whole grain, lean meat, and vegetable-based foods as you can.

Ignoring nutrition won’t work if you’re serious about seeing reduced body fat levels and increased lean muscle mass. Here are some of the most important foods to eat to gain mass, no matter where you are in your training regimen.

Whey Protein

Whey supplements in protein and isolate form are becoming increasingly popular for athletes everywhere. Not only are they super convenient, but they are also a great way to gain and maintain lean muscle across a range of body types.

Whey is one of the best things you can consume as either male or female during your athletic training. You can get the most out of whey by timing it so that you consume the recommended serving with milk or water after a workout to gain more muscle.

Lean Meats

Beef, in the leanest cut you can find, is one of the best foods for gaining mass. It includes important minerals such as zinc and iron, and also gives you plenty of top-quality protein. It is also quite healthy. Lean beef, skinless chicken, and turkey are all great meats to incorporate into a healthy diet because they contain important muscle growth components.

They’re also free of additives if you get the organic kind, and without added fat or calories as long as you pick the lean version.

Whole Grains

Oatmeal, whole grain bread, and whole wheat pasta are important parts of a healthy diet as well. When you’re trying to figure out what to eat to gain muscle mass, it’s important to incorporate whole grains because they are low GI foods. This means they won’t spike your blood sugar and make you feel really hungry shortly after eating them. They provide more fiber, more satiety, and help with fat loss. This means they’ll help you get rid of unwanted pounds in the form of body fat while gaining and retaining key muscle fibers.

Brown rice is another great whole grain product to eat. Be sure to include a balance of each type of grain to get the most out of your macronutrient profile.

Tuna, Salmon, and Other Fish

Try to include as many different types of fish as you can possibly incorporate into your diet. Fish is a great choice when deciding what to eat to gain muscle mass. This is due to its richness in protein and omega 3 acids, as well as being very low in fat and calories.

Fish will help to boost metabolism and lower your body fat, as well as including important nutrients that can’t be found elsewhere.

Vegetables and Fruits

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and spring mix are all rich in important vitamins and antioxidants. They are also very low in calories, actually requiring more calories to be digested than they actually cost to eat. Add plenty of veggies to each of your meals, aiming for 5 servings minim.

Having an apple or two every day is also a good idea because apples are rich in fiber and water, keeping you hydrated while also providing a good source of vitamin C. Just be sure not to overdo it on fruits, as their sugar content can lead to excess calorie intake.

Nut Butters, Olive Oil, and Avocados

While fat has gotten a bad rap in the dietary industry, the truth is that fats are very important to figuring out what to eat to gain muscle mass. Rather than avoiding them, pick up healthy fast such as those from peanut and almond butter, raw nuts and seeds, and oils like olive oil and coconut oil.

Salmon also includes important fatty acids that are healthy for you. As long as you remain within your caloric intake for the day and be sure to measure your portions, you’ll be able to keep a balanced amount of healthy fats included in your diet.


These are just a few of the best foods to gain muscle mass and cut body fat levels for both men and women. Remember that your diet is just as important as your workout routine — don’t neglect those whole grains, leafy green veggies, and lean meats during your mealtimes!